
  1. S&P Daily Chart. Seeing resisitence from the previous high (3907), which is also the 0.5 position from the 1-5 waves. For the upward A-B-C waves, we could be aiming the price ceiling around 0.618-0.66 (4000-4050). Neutral Signal.

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  2. S&P 1h Chart. After reaching the resistance fromt he previous high, the market close market price could not be met again. 0.382 was restesing several time without strong upward price behaviors. Slightly bearish.

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  3. S&P E mini Futures 1h & 15m Chart. Pre-market trend of S&P could be suggested by the futures price. Price effectively breaks through the resisitance and maintains the upward trend. Strong signal.

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  4. DXY Weekly Chart. The trend is negatively correlated with the stock & crypto market. Keep paying attention to the large ascending channel since 2008. Regarding the daily candles, we could see the support from the previous low (110).

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  5. BTC Daily chart。觸及0.618位(21.1K)後回踩前高20.5K。近日便在20.5K-21.1K之間徘徊。重新關注21.1K附近的價格行為,觀察是否有再次假突破行為。

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  6. BTC 4h Chart。交易密集區上邊緣(上方藍色線)同樣位在21.1K附近。若S&P無法有效突破40K,評估比特幣也較難突破此價格區間。

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  7. BTC 1h Chart。短線可看到價格難以突破前高,觸及20.8K後便有有效壓制,為較偏空的行為。

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S&P. Before effectively breaking out from 3806, doward trend of S&P would still be suggested.

Pivot Price: 3589

Support Price (Range): 3523 - 3545

Resistance Price: 3797




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